Hello, hello, to all! It's been a while. Life's been busy, full, and fast-paced in the realm that exists beyond this screen. Where here it may appear that I've been absent, I assure you that's not how I've been living.

I'm preparing to share with you all I've been working on these past ~8 months. Multiple tours across the United States, studio and day shoots with artists, the current state of political activism, visual work for Original Fuzz, a week of South By Southwest, many, many shows back home in Nashville, TN (where I'm located once again), and so much more. 

Tonight, I want to bring it back to the beginning of this year, in January, with Ne-Hi from Chicago, Illinois, when they rolled through Nashville to play The High Watt. Tonight, they'll be doing this once again, and I hope you'll join me there! 8pm, with FACS and Date Night 

and more to come soon!